Have adequate and valid Motor Insurance and drive safely and happily!!
Motor Insurance
Motor or auto insurance is a vehicle policy when taken can help you to safeguard your finances from losses that might arise from unforeseen dangers like Third Party Liabilities, thefts or accidents. As per 1988 Motor Vehicles Act, Car insurance is mandatory in the country. With Four Wheeler Insurance, you will obtain coverage for yourself (the insured party), for your car (the insured vehicle) & third parties (the other vehicles along with their property). Both pre-owned and new cars can be renewed. The insurance policy validity generally is for a year, after which it is to be renewed.
RS Wealth Management Pvt. Ltd. provides comprehensive auto insurance policy at affordable premium rates. You can get in touch with our knowledgeable customer care executives who can provide you with a better understanding of car insurance and help you to choose the most appropriate one. We provide optimum protection and include most damages and losses

Why Should You Invest in Motor Insurance?
There are many who assume four wheeler insurance to be only an expense. But it is a mandatory as per the government’s rule. It offers the key benefits:
Provides Coverage
Financial Investment
Saves Time
Add-On Coverage
How to apply for Motor Insurance?
You can always trust upon RS Wealth Management Pvt. Ltd. when selecting Motor Insurance policy for your vehicle. We are a well-established brand enjoying greater financial stability and has issued record number of policies right from our inception. We also pay detailed attention to claim settlement ratio and ensure prompt payment of claims to all eligible policy holders. Invest in Motor Insurance by following the below given procedures: